Monday, 10 October 2016

The necessary contacts and dialogues

PM May told some days ago that UK will trigger Article 50 before the end om March next year. Then UK will disclose what kind of Brexit the country will wish for. That means a possible half year for Brexit preparations. And since the UK had no plan ready for Brexit, a prepartion period is necessary and important. Leaving EU is a complex issue, Article 50 does not guarantee more than two years to negotiate. 

Even if the EU leaders have said they understand that UK  needs some time for preperations, they all agree that there can be no talks before the divorce letter is recieved. On the other hand argueing through media seems to be ok. 

For UK to make ready their divorce letter in a splendid isolation would be a very stupid thing to do. To develop a good and flexible baseposition, it is important to examine what other people think, to probe opportunities, develop alternatives etc. This is of course important for the EU also. And for "third" countries - like Norway, which has trade relationships with the UK and other EU countries.

To day the Norwegian newspaper  Dagens Næringsliv can tell that Norway said "no" to a  proposal from Liam Fox, the UK Secretary of State for International Trade, to a establish a formal group to prepare a new trade agreement between the two countries. Norway has to be careful. UK is not allowed to conclude separate trade agreements while they still are member of the EU and Norway does not want to provoke the EU. The EEA agreement and the relations with the Union are essential for the country. 

But Norwegian government representatives emphasize that "we have a close dialogue with the UK". There have been a lot of meetings between political representatives of the two countries, and more a  planned. Brexit is also discussed in the Norewegian parliament´s Europe Committee. 

Contacts and dialogues between European governments and also between the EU and the European countries are important building blocks for a best possible Brexit for everyone. Although "no talks before divorce letter" is the general rule for EU countries.

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